1. London seem to have an obsession with frozen yogurt. Our frozen yogurt shop caught on fire.
2. I haven't yet seen anyone wearing flip-flops/ bare foot walking around like it's a normal thing.
3. The hills are inferrer. After living in Cornwall for five years, and living at the top of every massive hill there was your flat surfaces unnerve me.
5. I haven't seen one person use their own hessian/canvas bags when they go food shopping.
6. There is no sea. Or beaches for that matter. Where do you londoners go to paddle when you're drunk?
7.The Christmas lights here are move extravagant than Falmouth.
8. The world doesn't come to an end at 4pm on a Sunday things are still open here. You can still have dinner if you forgot to go shopping.
9. The public transport here is amazing. I see people getting pissed off when a tube is stopped at a station 30 seconds too long. Try waiting for a bus in Falmouth. On a Sunday they only come once ever half an hour. If you're lucky.
10. Londoners don't paint your house fun colours.
11. The cinema prices are ridiculous. As I found out for the price of two cinema tickets you could have got two pizzas and four beers to sit-in in soho.
12. The lack of Tesco around the corner disturbs me. This may just be relevant to East Finchley. I used to have a chose of two Tesco, metro and express minutes from my door. Now I have to walk like ten minutes to a Budgens.
13. Crossing the road is like playing chicken. Luckily I've only nearly died like twice. Those taxi's just don't stop.
14. Coconut water is a thing here.
15. Bubble tea is also a thing here. A thing that I don't really understand.
16. No one walks out the house for just a nice stroll. Everyone seems to be on an a-b mission.
17. "Cornish pasties" here taste weird.
18. You have so many restaurants I haven't eaten at the same one more than twice. I haven't even been to the same brand of fast-food Restaurant twice.
19. If you talk to a stranger on the tube people assume you're a drunk.
20. Above point is not exclusive to the tube.

21. Where are all your aggressive birds? I have not been attacked once since being in London, Falmouth on the other hand it's a day-to-day fear.
22. The weather in London is quite dull. It's always quite meh. No extremes.
23. I'll be there in ten has completely left my vocabulary.
24. Everyone works in PR or says they work in PR.
25. Every time I walk around central the apprentice theme enters my head, in Falmouth it was usually drunken sailor.
26. You actually have fibrotic broadband. It's not just a lie.
27. The view from my window is slightly different.
28. There is no real cider on tap at every pub. I still haven't found and old Rosie or Thatchers Katy.
29. Some take-aways deliver until 1am. That's insane.
30. The water here tastes disgusting.
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